Average concentration (ng/g dw) of PCBs in Arctic lichen and mosses
Relative tissue concentrations of organochlorine compounds detected in lichen, and in adipose tissue of caribou and wolf at three locations in the Northwest Territories, Canada
Observed and predicted organochlorine concentrations (ng/g ww) in caribou and reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) liver All data are presented in, or were derived from data in Annex Table 6A4
Concentrations of PCB congeners relative to PCB congener 153 for lichen, caribou, and wolf in the Bathurst herd, Canada The light bars denote that the congener was not detected
An example of a positive feedback loop Warming leads to a decrease in sea ice cover which in turn leads to a decrease in albedo over the ocean, the result of which is further warming and further [..]
The hydrologic balance in the Arctic is highly dynamic on the seasonal time scale with large and rapid ice melts in the spring On land, this ice and snow melting results in large rapid floods and [..]
Locations of upper-air meteorological monitoring stations in the Arctic Meteorological station density for surface observations is greater for inland areas of the Arctic, while observations of any [..]
Seasonal and annual average surface temperature trends (°C per decade) over the northern hemisphere
Lower tropospheric temperatures since 1979, from satellite monitoring High variability is characteristic of the Arctic region due to its isolation from the moderating influences of warm, lower [..]
Lower stratospheric temperature record since 1979
Lower stratospheric (ca 120-40 hPa) Arctic temperature trends (°C per decade, January 1979 to February 1996), as monitored by MSUs on polar orbiting satellites
Lower tropospheric Arctic temperature trends (°C per decade, January 1979 to February 1996), as monitored by MSUs on polar orbiting satellites
Sensitivity of Arctic ecosystems to acid deposition
(a) Critical deposition of sulfur, and (b) its exceedance, in forest soils of northern Europe and Russia (5th percentile of the calculation points in each EMEP grid cell)
Monthly snow cover anomalies over northern hemispheric lands (including Greenland) between January 1972 and August 1995 Also shown are the 12-month running anomalies of hemispheric snow extent, [..]
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