Lower stratospheric (ca 120-40 hPa) Arctic temperature trends (°C per decade, January 1979 to February 1996), as monitored by MSUs on polar orbiting satellites

Lower stratospheric (ca 120-40 hPa) Arctic temperature trends (°C per decade, January 1979 to February 1996), as monitored by MSUs on polar orbiting satellites (map/graphic/illustration)

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Lower stratospheric (ca 120-40 hPa) Arctic temperature trends (°C per decade, January 1979 to February 1996), as monitored by MSUs on polar orbiting satellites
Sources Title (cont.) The entire Arctic stratosphere has experienced a cooling trend which is maximised over Siberia. (AAR Figure 11.7)
Graphical production: Philippe Rekacewicz and Emmanuelle Bournay (GRID-Arendal)
Appears in AMAP Assessment Report: Arctic Pollution Issues
Published 1998
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