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Marine species in the Pacific
Download the Pacific Islands Regional Marine Species Programme, 2008-2012
IntroductionThe Pacific islands region is the largest continuous marine habitat on the planet, the Pacific ocean. It is home to a wide range of large marine animals including mammals like whales, dolphins, porpoise and dugongs and marine turtles. Maintaining healthy populations is essential to maintaining oceanic productivity. The diversity of these marine creatures is recognized as a fundamental element of Pacific Islands’ culture and heritage. Many Pacific island cultures have legends, stories and traditional uses of marine mammals and turtles, indicating the importance of these creatures in the identities of people, their way of life and their heritage. Polynesian travels throughout the region are often linked with stories of migratory species such as great whales and turtles. Polynesians may have recognized the migratory paths of these species and used them as guides to the seas of the south Pacific. Marine mammalsDespite efforts in certain areas and on certain species e.g. humpback whales, detailed knowledge of marine mammals is at best extremely limited. This is in part due to limited resources and expertise to undertake research in the region, the vastness of the region itself and the diversity of its marine mammals in it. Whales
Over half the world’s known species of whales are found in the region. The best estimates of southern hemisphere populations are based on sighting cruises in Antarctic Ocean. Figures are:
The recovery of most large whale species from the impacts of former whaling operations is, for the most part, unknown. Humpbacks are recovering in some areas (e.g. East and West Australia) but recovery rates (if any) in French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Tonga, Cooks are currently unknown. Humpbacks remain rare in other areas of former abundance (e.g. Samoa, Vanuatu, American Samoa and Fiji). Status and trends of other species of large baleen whales in the region is unknown. In 1993 there was no whale sanctuary in the region, national Exclusive
Economic Zone Whale Sanctuaries now total more than 10.9 million square
kilometres and range from Melanesia (PNG) through to the far reaches
French Polynesia and have been described as a growing bridge to a wider
South Pacific Whale Sanctuary. Currently the Cook Islands, Fiji, Papua
New Guinea, French Polynesia Samoa and Niue have declared sanctuaries,
with other countries actively looking at this e.g. Vanuatu. Furthermore,
American Samoa, Tonga and Tokelau all effectively protect whales and
are sanctuaries in all but name only. Potential impacts of scientific whaling – over 6000 Antarctic minke whales were taken by the Japanese research whaling programme between 1986 and 2003, and some of these animals will have spent some of their lives in the waters of Pacific Island nations. Japanese research whaling operations in the vicinity of the Solomon Islands between 1977 and 1979 took 240 Bryde’s whales. The impact of these removals on the current population in the area is unknown. In fisheries across the world, sperm whales and a variety of smaller toothed whale species have learned to follow long-line fishing boats and feed off the fish caught on the hooks. This is leading fishermen to look on them as a pest threatening their livelihood. In the south Pacific region, there is no scientific basis for the argument that whales eat fish already caught on long lines, although in some areas, small toothed whales like killer whales, false killer whales and pilot whales are probably involved. Some dolphin species take bait from hooks. This is a significant problem in the region (particularly in Samoa, Fiji, Tonga and PNG). Large toothed whales usually eat non-commercial prey such as deep-sea squid (of no commercial value). Baleen whales have not been shown to eat large fish. For Bryde’s whales (the only species of baleen whales that feeds in tropical waters), studies of stomach contents from Japanese “scientific whaling” in the Solomon Islands in the 1970s showed that 97% of their diet is plankton. Baleen is a filtering mechanism and baleen whales have no teeth. They are not fast enough to chase and catch large fish, such as tuna. Dolphins
Dolphins are fast swimming animals that are grouped together with whales under Cetacea. Characteristic features are long snouts and rounded foreheads. Dolphins are threatened by habitat destruction and pollution. Many cultures have hunted dolphin for food. Many are killed when they become entrapped in the huge nets used to catch tuna. Dolphins are predatory animals and feed largely on fish and squids and in the case of killer whales, other marine mammals, sea turtles and birds. Dolphins rely on echolocation to navigate and locate food especially in muddy estuaries where there is low visibility. Increasing noise pollutions can affect dolphins. Dolphin species found in the SPREP region includes Risso’s dolphin, bottlenose dolphin, Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphin, striped dolphin, pan-tropical spotted dolphin, spinner dolphin, Frazer’s dolphin, and Irrawaddy dolphins. Photo © Peter Bennett/SPREP Dugongs
The dugong (Dugong dugong) is the only herbivorous mammal that is strictly marine. They are seagrass specialists and frequent coastal waters. Dugong breeding is very sensitive to the availability of its seagrass food. When dugongs do not have enough to eat they delay breeding, making habitat conservation a critical issue. Dugongs are long-lived with low productive rates, low generation time and a high investment in each offspring. A slight reduction in adult survivorship can cause a chronic decline. The dugong is listed as vulnerable to extinction at a global scale by the World Conservation Union (IUCN). The dugong home range in the region includes the waters of Australia, Papua New Guniea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, New Caledonia and Palau. Throughout much of its range in these SPREP member states, relic isolated populations still remain. The region supports the world’s largest remaining populations of dugongs. Of the five world dugong populations tentatively identified, two occur partly in the SPREP region The approximate boundaries of population 1 are Vanuatu on the east and 140º E on the west, and the range includes virtually. all of Melanesia, Papua New Guinea, and the northeast and east coasts of Australia. Population 2 is centred along the northwest and west coasts of the Australia, Irian Jaya, and northwards to the Philippines. The dugongs in Palauan have been described as “the most isolated dugong population in the world.” Scientific information on dugong distribution and abundance is outdated or non-existent. The status of dugongs is unknown throughout the region. It is likely that dugongs are widely distributed in small numbers in much of PNG, the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu and that larger numbers occur in the PNG waters of Torres Strait. Their reliance on relatively shallow water seagrass beds for food limits the ability of dugongs to travel between islands and continents that are separated by extensive areas of deep water. For this reason, many island populations, including those around Vanuatu and Palau, are essentially isolated. Such isolation makes this groups of dugongs especially vulnerable to extinction. Dugongs are vulnerable to human influences because of their life history and their dependence on seagrasses that are restricted to coastal habitats, and which are often under pressure from human activities. Threats to the survival of dugong population include habitat loss and degradation, fishing pressure, indigenous use and harvesting, vessel strikes, ecotourism, acoustic pollution, chemical pollutants and diseases. An urgent issue is the need to address the conservation management of dugongs in the region. Despite a comprehensive global review and some excellent in-country activities, e.g. Palau Conservation Society’s dugong campaign, the status of dugongs remains largely unknown, few effective conservation measures exist and anecdotal evidence gives increased cause of concern for their future.
Marine turtles
The Pacific area supports the world’s largest remaining populations of green, hawksbill and loggerhead turtles. There are six marine turtle species that feed and migrate through the Pacific waters. These are the green turtle, the hawksbill turtle, the leatherback turtle, the loggerhead turtle, the Pacific Ridley turtle and the flatback. There is also one record of the subspecies Chelonia mydas agassi from PNG. The Pacific island region is a globally significant area for marine turtle breeding and migration. The coastal populations of the Pacific islands have exploited marine turtles for their meat, eggs, shell and oil for centuries. Cultures and traditions, which historically managed sustainable use and promoted ecological balance, are degrading. The loss of traditional values combined with the negative effects of unregulated adult and egg harvest, habitat degradation, commercial trade and mortalities through incidental capture in fishing gear have accelerated the decline of the marine turtle population. The latter half of the 20th century has been marked by catastrophic declines of sea turtle populations throughout the Pacific region. Having existed for thousands of years, most marine turtles are now categorized as “Critically Endangered,” “Endangered,” “Threatened” or “Vulnerable” on the Red List of the World Conservation Union. Key issues for turtle survival are unsustainable harvesting and habitat degradation. Both of these factors are mainly due to human activities. In the last 10 years concern for turtle conservation and wise use has grown in the region with an increasing number of initiatives being undertaken at local, national and regional levels. This has resulted in the establishment of the Regional Marine Turtle Conservation Programme (RMTCP) and associated active network of government and ngo agencies working together to effect turtle conservation and sustainable use.
The Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA), the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environmental Programme (SPREP), the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) and the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC), in a collaborative effort on behalf of their members, are developing a Pacific Islands – Regional Plan of Action for Sharks (PI-RPOA). The PI-RPOA will provide Pacific Island Countries & Territories with a framework for considering and developing management arrangements for shark species that address regional management obligations. The above-mentioned regional organisations are seeking a consultant with experience in shark management and/or research to develop the PI-RPOA in collaboration with focal points from each agency. The full details of the consultancy are provided in the terms of reference. Applications to undertake the consultancy should address the terms of reference and include a CV. Applications should be lodged to Mr Steve Shanks via e-mail at steve.shanks@ffa.int before close of business on 27 March 2009.
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