This training manual was elaborated to provide a flexible framework for trainings on strategic environmental assessment (SEA) in South Eastern Europe (SEE). The SEA Protocol to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Espoo...
The development and approval of the Priority Environmental Investment Programme for South Eastern Europe (PEIP) was one of the milestones in the process of environmental reconstruction and EU approximation in South Eastern Europe (SEE). In the...
Drafted within the Priority Environmental Investment Programme for South Eastern Europe, the manual was inspired by the conviction that sustainable investments in the water sector are only possible if implemented by efficient and independent...
Environmental civil society organisations (CSOs) are catalysts in the quest for sustainable development and key actors in building civil society in the Western Balkans. For several years they have received support from foreign and domestic,...
A study visit on ambient air was held in Brussels, Belgium, on March 30 to April 1, 2009. The study visit was hosted by the Flemish environmental authorities and dealt with many aspects of the current legislative and policy framework on ambient...