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Country Official Visit
PAHO and Caribbean countries working to strengthen subregional cooperation strategies
Kingston, Jamaica. 12-16 April, 2010.- As part of an official visit to this country, which coincided with the holding of the Caribbean Sub-regional Managers’ Meeting, PAHO Director Dr. Mirta Roses Periago met with Jamaica’s Prime Minister, the Honorable Bruce Golding, at Jamaica House.
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Inter-American Mission to Haiti assess the impact of the cooperation programs to support the socioeconomic development and political stability
Haiti. September 3-6, 2009.- PAHO Director on official visit as part of a high level Inter-American mission to Haiti to assess the impact of the cooperation programs by the international community on the process of development in Haiti, notably in Gonaives, Jacmel and Cité Soleil.
The high-level mission was comprise of Representatives of Member States, including the Chair of the OAS Permanent Council, OAS authorities and senior officials of PAHO, IDB, IICA and the PADF. This mission follows mandates emanated from the 5th Summit of America and the Resolution 2487 of the General meeting of OEA in support to socioeconomic development and to political stability of Haiti, particularly. This resolution asks the international partners of Haiti to continue coordinating their actions with the Haitian Government with the aim of getting better results at local level.
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L’OEA sur le terrain pour évaluer les progrès accomplis [UNMINUSTAH French version]

PAHO, Humanitarian Clowns and Health Experts Join Forces, Using Art as a Bridge to Health and Development
Washington, D.C. - From 4 to 16 August, art becomes a bridge to health access for thousands of people in a remote and vulnerable community in Peru with the arrival of some 100 humanitarian clowns and international public health experts from 12 countries, as part of the Pan American Health Organization’s Faces, Voices and Places Initiative for the Millennium Development Goals.
PAHO VIDEO »Arte, Puente para la Salud (in Spanish)
Art and Health: together in the Belén Festival
PAHO Director, health promoters and humanitarian clowns will join Belén Festival in Peru
Humanitarian Clowns and Health Experts Join Forces, Using Art as a Bridge to Health and Development

PAHO Director at the 5th Summit of the Americas
Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago. 17 - 19 April 2009.- The Director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Dr. Mirta Roses, attended the meeting as the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau of the Organization of American States (OAS), health agency of the Inter-American System with more than 100 years of existence, which is the world's oldest health organization. During the meeting, the Director of PAHO had the opportunity to exchange ideas and discuss important topics with leaders of the governments of the region, related to the public health organization that she leads.
Director's Picture Gallery »
Securing Our Citizens’ Future by Promoting Human Prosperity, Energy Security and Environmental Sustainability

PAHO Subregional Managers' Meeting for the Caribbean
Bahamas. 14-17 April, 2009.- PAHO Managers from the Caribbean region met to strengthen coordination among Country Offices (COs), the Subregional Office, Centers and Programs, and the regional entities, with emphasis on country focus and subregional technical cooperation processes; to better understanding of the national health situation and the technical cooperation program for and with The Bahamas. Participants updated on the economic crisis and its impact on the health sector analyzed and on subregional integration, subregional initiatives and relevant technical topics.
Dr. Roses, PAHO's Director chaired the meeting and took the opportunity to meet with the national health authorities at Bahamas to review relevant health issues of common interest.
Bahamas Media Release »
More on SRMM Bahamas » [Intranet Access only]
Director's Newsletter

Improving Public Health by addressing the SOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH
Asuncion, Paraguay. 16 February 2009.- SRMM-Subregional Managers' Meeting Andean Region and Southern Cone.
Director's Interview with IP Paraguay (Secretariat of Information and Communication for Development) during her official visit to Paraguay to participate in the PAHO's SRMM.
[only Spanish version] "... la formulación de políticas públicas que aborden el peso de los determinantes sociales para reducir las desigualdades que se encuentran en los resultados de salud de la población y también de manera importante en cómo llevar a que la salud esté integrada en todas las políticas públicas (de empleo, de inversión en infraestructura, en alfabetización universal, etc.) de modo que se pueda trabajar de manera concertada y teniendo en cuenta que el objetivo final es la calidad de vida de la población ... "
Entrevista/Interview »

PAHO promotes behavior change to combat DENGUE in the Region
Asuncion, Paraguay. 10 February 2009.- PAHO Director at a press conference during the PAHO Subregional Managers' Meeting of Southern Cone and Andean (SRMM).
[only in Spanish] “Creo que tenemos el conocimiento y la estrategia que funciona, pero todavía nos falta ese cambio de comportamiento. Tenemos que encontrar los caminos para hacer que la gente no entre en pánico ni alarma, ni trate de buscar al culpable afuera porque definitivamente el culpable está dentro, muchas veces, dentro de las casas”, sostuvo.
Director's Newsletter - SRMM
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Cuba is World Leader in Medical Care, According to PAHO
Cuba. Visita Oficial. Julio 28-31, 2008.- PAHO Director visited several health centers during her official visit to Cuba and pointed out that Cuba offers a wide variety of activities and services related to health, and is a founding member of PAHO, which was established 106 years ago, she also talked to the press about the work carried out by Cuba with respect to its aging population and said tha Cuba has met the needs identified several decades ago to train more healthcare professionals and provide more clinics in towns.
Media Release
[Spanish version]:Presentación de la Directora »
Resumen visita oficial de la Directora y cancelación sello postal en saludo al 60 aniversario de la OMS y el 30 aniversario de Alma Ata.
Newsletter »

Venezuela carries out with universal standards on vaccination
Venezuela has achieved to carry out with the universal standards on vaccination, ratified the director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Mirta Roses.
The maximum health authority of the continent expressed that the coverage reached by Venezuela show that there is a great sense of organization and coordination for the work, not only with the campaign against rubella but also what is being fulfilled with the Vaccination Week in the Americas.
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Director of the Pan American Health Organization opens the first Latin American Conference in Research and Innovation for Health
Global Forum for Health Research. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 15 - 18 April 2008.- In her visit to Brazil, Dr. Mirta Roses fulfilled an extensive agenda, she also accompanied the visit to PANAFTOSA of Dr. Luis Sambo, WHO's Regional Director for Africa, which reflects the history of joint effort from the organizations, and represents an important exchange for the information systems and basic data in Health.
See also: 2o. Congresso da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP) sobre DST-AIDS. Mesa coordenada pela Diretora da Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde (Opas), Mirta Roses Periago.
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OMS/OPS : nous sommes engagés à soutenir Haïti
13 février 2008.- En Haïti dans le cadre de la réunion annuelle des représentants de l'OPS/OMS de la Caraïbe, qui se tient pour la première fois en Haïti, la directrice régionale de l'OMS/OPS pour les Amériques, le docteur Mirta Roses, a déclaré : " nous sommes totalement engagés à soutenir Haïti afin qu'il progresse dans la réalisation des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement ". Elle intervenait, en effet, au cours d'une conférence de presse tenue le 13 février à Port-au-Prince.
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BAHAMAS. Director's Official Visit.
Nassau, Bahamas, February 27 - March 2, 2007. - During her visit the Director met important governments authorities, she visited the Minister of Health, and met Senator the Honourable Dr. Bernard J. Nottage (Minister of Health, National Insurance and Public Information), and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Honourable Fred Mitchell. She also delivered two presentations and had a live radio interview.
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