Sustainable Development and
Environmental Health

Healthy Environment

It answers to the information needs on chemical substances and gives the informative support to professionals of the health, `investigators`, educators, decision makers and other involved with this topic.

Chemical Safety

The International Program on Chemical Safety (IPCS/WHO), of the World Health Organization, through its project INTOX, and with the collaboration of many centers of toxicological information at the world level, has been developing a system that facilitates the harmonization of the reports of the toxicological centers. Several centers of the Region have the system INTOX, some are in the process of acquiring it and others use its own system to register the consultations. INTOX gives the possibility of making an "ideal" report that can be adapted to the local and regional needs.


Toxicology Networks

Implementation of networks of toxicology: REDARTOX in Argentina, RETOMEX in Mexico, SINITOX in Brazil, and RITA in Chile.




RETOXLAC, implemented by CEPIS/PAHO in 1999, which is at full development and groups approximately 300 professionals linked to the subject of chemical substances. In this network the harmonization of the report of cases has been discussed as a way of planning actions with regard to the leading causes of poisoning and exposures.


Self-instruction Courses
  Self-instruction Courses

Pesticides for Domestic Use
  Pesticides for domestic use

About SDE - Healthy Settings - Risk Assessment - Basic Sanitation - INCAP - BVSDE