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GEF Pacific IWRM Project

Strengthening National Coordination of Efforts to Develop IWRM Policy and Planning in the Federated States of Micronesia

FSM GEF IWRM Project7th June 2012: The Federated States of Micronesia’s National Department of Resources and Development convened the nation's First National Water Task Force Meeting from  23rd-24th May 2012. This meeting brought together water and sanitation related stakeholders from across the vast Micronesian region to launch efforts aimed at developing a National Water and Sanitation Policy and IWRM Investment Plan for the FSM’s four Island States and outer atoll communities that often face uncertainty in freshwater availability and inadequate sanitation. The GEF Pacific IWRM Project Manager for the FSM, Mr. Patterson Shed noted this was an important step in strengthening much needed policy and planning for water and sanitation, particularly in light of the climate variability and change concerns to be addressed by the Task Force. He noted further that an important output of this first meeting was agreement amongst National and State Governments on the way forward to complete: (1) a National Water, Sanitation and Climate Outlook report; (2) a National Water and Sanitation Policy; and (3) a National IWRM Investment Plan. More in the Kava Bowl.


Tonga IWRM: New Film Shows Work of the GEF Pacific IWRM Project to Safeguard Groundwater and Nearshore Water Quality in Vava'u

19th May 2012: The following video documentary entitled "Tonga – Preserve Water, Preserve Life" was produced as part of the GEF Pacific IWRM demonstration project in Vava’u in the Kingdom of Tonga. It shows the work of the project to safeguard groundwater and nearshore water quality via strengthened cross-sectorial coordination and several stress reduction pilot activities. The film was produced with the assistance of Roll’em Productions/Oceania Television.


Cooks Islands IWRM: New Film Highlights Efforts of the GEF Pacific IWRM Project to Manage Threats to Muri Lagoon

16th May 2012: The following video documentary entitled “Protecting Muri Lagoon” was produced as part of the Cook Island’s GEF Pacific IWRM demonstration project. It shows the current threats to Muri Lagoon and efforts of the demonstration project to reverse current environmental degradation trends at this world class tourism destination. The film was produced with the assistance of Roll’em Productions/Oceania Television.


Publication of the First Catalogue of Rivers for the Pacific Islands

Pacific Islands Catalogue of Rivers9th May 2012: For the first time a selection of river characteristics from across the Pacific can be found in one book the Catalogue of Rivers for Pacific Islands. The book documents the main features and characteristics of the rivers in eight Pacific Island Countries and the available data associated with them. Avinash Tyagi, Director of Climate and Water at the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) said that the book provided for the first time, an important hydrological foundation by reviewing the available data sets and compiling them into a consistent style and format. Peter Sinclair, Water Resources Advisor at SPC SOPAC, said that the book was a valuable first step at understanding the dynamics of island rivers but more study and data was needed to ensure rivers could keep up with increasing demand from growing populations and economies. More in the Kava Bowl.


UNEP-SPC Pacific Islands Freshwater Vulnerability Assessment Report Released

Pacific IWRM Water Vulnerability Report25th April 2012: "Freshwater under Threat – Pacific Islands", written by David Duncan, Regional Environmental Engineer of the GEF Pacific IWRM Project was recently released by UNEP. The report found that the almost total reliance on rain-fed agriculture across all islands puts economies and livelihoods at risk. Nearly 10% of deaths of children under five in the region are attributable to water related causes; 90% of these deaths, according to the report, can be traced to poor sanitation treatment systems. The report also outlines that the delivery of water supplies and sanitation services in many Pacific countries currently falls well short of Millennium Development Goal (MDG) targets. The report was featured on ABC’s Pacific Radio’s Pacific Beat program and audio of the interview with David Duncan can be accessed below. The report can be accessed online here – Kava Bowl.

Click play below to listen to the audio recording of the interview


President Toribiong Endorses the First National Water Policy for the Republic of Palau

First National Water Policy for PalauKoror, Palau, Monday April 23rd 2011: Palau’s President, Johnson Toribiong, endorsed his country’s first National Water Policy this week saying that it “will serve as a clear indicator and important guide for our nation's future economic and sustainable development based on clean and safe water that is essential for the health of our people, ecosystem and economy.” The policy aims to protect and conserve Palau’s water resources, ensure Palauans have access to safe, affordable, sustainable water supply and wastewater services, and see that these services are managed and operated sustainably and effectively. The new policy is based on best practices demonstrated by the GEF Pacific IWRM demonstration project in the Ngerikiil watershed. Importantly it sets a clear direction for the development of the Palau’s IWRM Plan to guide the scaling-up and replication of good water resource management practices in Palau. Photos and full press release available here – Kava Bowl.


Dr. Al Duda interview on the GEF Pacific IWRM Project published in the Islands Business magazine

Al Duda on Pacific IWRM13th April 2012: The recently retired Senior Advisor on International Waters at the Global Environment Facility, Dr. Al Duda was featured in the April 2012 edition of "Islands Business" magazine. The interviewed focused on the GEF Pacific IWRM Project and future needs for the Pacific Islands region. In discussing current initiatives of the project, Dr. Duda noted that "Most of the countries’ IWRM demonstration projects are on track. The demonstrations are showing the types of things that are needed, that need to be up-scaled for the future". He noted further that "Much progress is being made on national laws, national policies, the tough decisions that cabinets need to make to deal with global pressures. So as a result of these projects in two years the cabinets of all the countries, I believe, will be ready to take those difficult decisions on utility reform, on agriculture, on imports and exports, on the tourism sector, so that they can fashion a sustainable future". The full interview can be accessed online here – Kava Bowl.


Micronesia's Water Issues and Need for IWRM Planning and Action Elevated to Highest Political Levels at MCES 17

17th Micronesian Chief Executives Summit19th March 2012: The 17th Micronesian Chief Executives' Summit (MCES) was convened in Guam from 11th-14th March 2012. Pacific IWRM's Regional Project Manager, Marc Wilson participated in this event and water issues were elevated to the highest political levels by RMI’s President, H.E. Christopher Loeak. President Loeak highlighted that "The notable attention accorded to water governance by the development agencies, in terms of institutional strengthening especially of water service providers, has been very encouraging. However, national integrated water management, catchment scale and community governance have been a challenge to us. We acknowledge that community engagement is a very important element of water resources management and have sought to further involve our community in this process. In this regard, we also understand that the general focus on creating legislation and regulatory tools needs to be strengthened with better public awareness and education." More - Kava Bowl.


Tuvalu's film "Falevatia: a toilet for our future" featured on ABC Radio's Pacific Beat

Tuvalu Composting Toilet11 March 2012: IWRM's Environmental Engineer, David Duncan was interviewed by Geraldine Coutts on ABC's Pacific Beat on 7th March. The interview focused on Tuvalu's water issues and the role of Ecosan in conserving water and reducing threats to the environment and human health. Coincidentally, NZ Radio featured "Flushing toilets the ruin of Tokelau's water supply" the same day. Commenting on Tuvalu's work, IWRM's Regional Project Manager, Marc Wilson said "It is great to see Tuvalu's practical demonstration of a locally designed composting toilet leading the way in the protection of water resources and helping shift community preference from flush toilets to Ecosan approaches in the Pacific Islands, particularly on atoll islands". Photos here - Kava Bowl.

Click play below to listen to the audio recording of the interview


Tuvalu Composting Toilets: new film highlights water issues and solutions in Tuvalu

5th March 2012: The following film "Falevatia: a toilet for our future" was produced as part of the GEF Pacific IWRM demonstration project on Funafuti, Tuvalu. It shows how composting toilets can help conserve water and minimise threats to the environment, food security and human health. Media release for the film can be found online here. Photographs of the GEF Pacific IWRM Project's composting toilet work can be accessed here -  Kava Bowl.


Launch of the GEF SGP - Pacific IWRM Partnership for Strengthened Community Participation in Integrated Water Resource Management in Pacific Island Countries

SGP IWRM Partnership Communique Signing29th February 2012: Dr. Delfin Ganapin, Global Manager of the GEF Small Grants Programme (GEF SGP), and Mr. Marc Wilson, Regional Project Manager of the GEF supported UNDP/UNEP/SOPAC project entitled "Implementing Sustainable Water Resource and Wastewater Management in Pacific Islands Countries" (Pacific IWRM) yesterday launched a partnership aimed at strengthening community participation in IWRM in Pacific Island Countries. The Joint Communiqué issued to launch the SGP GEF-Pacific IWRM partnership, identified immediate priority areas of work under the partnership to include inter alia: development and implementation of community-based IWRM pilot projects; capacity development for community level implementation of IWRM; incorporation of community-based IWRM experiences into regional processes of sharing and learning, as well as policy development; and promotion of regional sharing and networking among CSOs and CBOs. The signed Joint Communiqué can be accessed by clicking here. More information for national teams is available in our online community - the Kava Bowl.


Highlights Video of GEF Pacific IWRM Project Activities from Inception to Mid-Term (2010-2011)

The following short video presentation was produced with the assistance of Roll’em Productions/Oceania Television. It highlights progress of the project to its mid-term stage, and was launched at the 6th GEF Biennial International Waters Conference in October 2011. A more comprehensive overview of the mid-term status of the project can be found in the report of the project’s Third Regional Steering Committee Meeting.

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