Celebrating the Successes of the GEF Pacific IWRM Project and Planning the Regional 'Ridge to Reef' Initiative
8th October 2013: The Fifth Regional Steering Committee Meeting for the GEF supported Pacific IWRM Programme will be convened in Nadi, Fiji Islands from 11-15 Novermber 2013. The meeting will be participated in by GEF Operational Focal Points, National IWRM Focal Points and Demonstration Project Managers, as well as representatives of the GEF Implementing Agencies, IUCN, diplomatic missions, and the Pacific regional CROP agencies. Important items of business for consideration by the Committee include: stocktaking of the projects process, stress reduction, environmental and water resource results; the status of the project’s suite of national IWRM demonstration projects; recent water and sanitation policy and IWRM planning achievements; development of a regional GEF supported 'Ridge to Reef' initiative; and the planning of the project's terminal evaluation. More information and background documents for the meeting can be accessed online here – Regional Steering Committee webpage.
Meeting documentation can be accessed via Pacific-IWRM.org - please click here.
Marc Wilson, Regional Project Manager