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GEF Pacific IWRM Project

Recognising the accomplishments of communities, governments and IWRM teams through national IWRM Achievement Stories

7th March 2014: The IWRM project has been working hard over the past five years to ensure that real progress is made towards sustainable management of water and wastewater across the participating Pacific countries. To achieve this there has been a dedicated collective of project managers and assistants, local and national government members and most importantly of all local communities at demonstration sites, learning from each other and working together to make it all happen. These stories, written by national project managers and community members highlight some key achievements from each country. From innovative community engagement techniques and enhancing community capacities to introducing new waste-reduction technologies and developing water-related polices; these stories show how the projects are positively impacting on the communities and generating a deeper understanding of IWRM across the Pacific.

Visit the Kava Bowl to access the Country Achievement Stories - click here.


Pacific IWRW: New Film Highlights Achievements of Efforts to Develop Integrated Management for the Sustainable Development of Pacific SIDS

Launched in 2009, the Global Environment Facility supported project entitled 'Implementing Sustainable Water Resources and Wastewater Management in Pacific Islands Countries' (or the GEF Pacific IWRM Project) has worked with 14 Pacific Island Small Island Developing States to pilot innovative IWRM solutions to the regions most pressing water and sanitation issues. This short film entitled 'Integration for Sustainable Development' highlights the results of the GEF Pacific IWRM Project in reducing stress on vulnerable freshwater and coastal lagoon resources, strengthening national coordination for IWRM, and in reforming national policy for water and sanitation management.


Celebrating the Successes of the GEF Pacific IWRM Project and Planning the Regional 'Ridge to Reef' Initiative

GEF IWRM RSC 58th October 2013: The Fifth Regional Steering Committee Meeting for the GEF supported Pacific IWRM Programme will be convened in Nadi, Fiji Islands from 11-15 Novermber 2013. The meeting will be participated in by GEF Operational Focal Points, National IWRM Focal Points and Demonstration Project Managers, as well as representatives of the GEF Implementing Agencies, IUCN, diplomatic missions, and the Pacific regional CROP agencies. Important items of business for consideration by the Committee include: stocktaking of the projects process, stress reduction, environmental and water resource results; the status of the project’s suite of national IWRM demonstration projects; recent water and sanitation policy and IWRM planning achievements; development of a regional GEF supported 'Ridge to Reef' initiative; and the planning of the project's terminal evaluation. More information and background documents for the meeting can be accessed online here – Regional Steering Committee webpage.

Meeting documentation can be accessed via Pacific-IWRM.org - please click here.

Marc Wilson, Regional Project Manager


Managing Honiara City Water Supply and Reducing Pollution via IWRM

Solomon Islands IWRM Progress Snapshot

27th May 2013: Solomon Islands’ GEF Pacific IWRM Demonstration Project entitled “Managing Honiara City Water Supply and Reducing Pollution via IWRM” has made great progress in strengthening stakeholder engagement for water resource management and securing access to safe drinking water. Key project results include: Catchment Management Plans for Kovi & Kongulai; established IWRM Project Steering Committee; Water Use Efficiency and Demand Management in Honiara pilot zone; capacity training for SIWA’s Leakage Detection team; stress reduction measures such as consistent water sampling and increased water hours at Mbokonavera. This Pacific IWRM ‘Progress Snapshot’ highlights results achieved to date.

Visit the Kava Bowl to access Solomon Islands ‘Progress Snapshot’ – click here.


Improvement and Sustainable Management of Neiafu, Vava’u’s Groundwater Resource

Tonga IWRM Progress Snapshot

20th May 2013: Tonga’s GEF Pacific IWRM Demonstration Project entitled “Improvement and Sustainable Management of Neiafu, Vava’u’s Groundwater Resource” has strengthened arrangements for improved watershed management and community engagement. The project is also successfully testing various measures to reduce stress on the Neiafu aquifer. Key project results include: formation of the Neiafu Aquifer Management Committee; 60% increase in community engagement with national Government on water issues; assessment of sustainable yields from Neiafu Aquifer; and installation of 11 trial sanitation systems to reduce groundwater contamination. This Pacific IWRM ‘Progress Snapshot’ highlights results achieved to date.

Visit the Kava Bowl to access Tonga’s ‘Progress Snapshot’ – click here.


Ridge to Reef: Protecting Water Quality from Source to Sea

FSM IWRM Progress Snapshot

13th May 2013: FSM’s GEF Pacific IWRM Demonstration Project entitled “Ridge to Reef: Protecting Water Quality from Source to Sea” has strengthened national coordination in the water and sanitation sector and has enhanced community collaboration to improve water resource management. Key project results include: a Joint Resolution of President and State Governors endorsing the first framework National Water and Sanitation Policy; establishment and operation of a National Task Force including State representation; protection and rehabilitation of riparian zone of the main water supply in Nett Watershed; sustainable forest and land management practices established and trialled with landowner; and strengthening of routine water monitoring. This Pacific IWRM ‘Progress Snapshot’ highlights results achieved to date.

Visit the Kava Bowl to access FSM’s ‘Progress Snapshot’ – click here.


Integrated Sustainable Wastewater Management (EcoSan) for Tuvalu

Tuvalu IWRM Progress Snapshot

6th May 2013: Tuvalu’s GEF Pacific IWRM Demonstration Project entitled “Integrated Sustainable Wastewater Management (EcoSan) for Tuvalu” has strengthened arrangements for improved wastewater management and mainstreamed IWRM into National Policy. The project has also successfully shared sanitation solutions with other Pacific countries. Key project results include: successful design and replication of sanitation solutions; successful engagement of Tuvaluan communities and government; development of a National IWRM Policy and Indicator Framework; reduction in sewage pollution across Funafuti and a reduction in freshwater use for sanitation uses. This Pacific IWRM ‘Progress Snapshot’ highlights results achieved to date.

Visit the Kava Bowl to access Tuvalu’s ‘Progress Snapshot’ – click here.


Sustainable Management of the Sarakata Watershed

Vanuatu IWRM Progress Snapshot

30th April 2013: Vanuatu’s GEF Pacific IWRM Demonstration Project entitled “Sustainable Management of the Sarakata Watershed” has strengthened arrangements for improved watershed management and community engagement. The project is also successfully testing various measures to reduce stress on the Sarakata watershed. Key project results include: establishment of the Sarakata Basin Integrated Flood Management Plan; establishment of Water Protected Zones; increase in community engagement with national Government on water issues; and successful trials of sustainable forest and land management practices with landowners. This Pacific IWRM ‘Progress Snapshot’ highlights results achieved to date.

Visit the Kava Bowl to access Vanuatu’s ‘Progress Snapshot’ – click here.


Integrated Flood Risk Management in the Nadi River Basin, Fiji

Fiji Islands IWRM Progress Snapshot

23rd April 2013: Fiji’s GEF Pacific IWRM Demonstration Project entitled “Integrated Flood Risk Management in the Nadi River Basin” is successfully strengthening governance structures to develop a flood risk management plan and is empowering communities to be more disaster resilient and independent. Key project results include: establishment of the Nadi Basin Catchment Committee; endorsement of project design and M&E Plan by Steering Committee; development of the Nadi Integrated Flood Risk management Plan; rehabilitation of two degraded areas in the catchment and successful trials of sustainable land and forest management practices with landowners. This Pacific IWRM ‘Progress Snapshot’ highlights results achieved to date.

Visit the Kava Bowl to access Fiji’s ‘Progress Snapshot’ – click here.


Integrated Water and Land Management for the Sustainable use of the Laura Water Lens, Majuro Atoll

Republic of the Marshall Islands IWRM Progress Snapshot

16th April 2013: RMI’s GEF Pacific IWRM Demonstration Project entitled “Integrated Water and Land Management for the Sustainable use of the Laura Water Lens, Majuro Atoll” has successfully tested various approaches to reducing groundwater pollution. The project has also strengthened national and watershed level coordination of water resource management. Key project results include: establishment and operation of a National IWRM Task Force that has facilitated the development of a National Water and Sanitation Policy; strengthened community engagement through the establishment of the Laura Lens Committee; reduced stress on the Laura Water Lens through various demonstration initiatives. This Pacific IWRM ‘Progress Snapshot’ highlights results achieved to date.

Visit the Kava Bowl to access RMI’s ‘Progress Snapshot’ – click here.


Rehabilitation and Sustainable Management of the Apia Catchment

Samoa IWRM Progress Snapshot

12th April 2013: Samoa’s GEF Pacific IWRM Demonstration Project entitled “Rehabilitation and Sustainable Management of the Apia Catchment” has made great progress in strengthening legal frameworks for water resource management and securing access to safe drinking water. Key project results include: Protection of land for inclusion in land reserve to reduce stress on water systems; finalisation of 3 Watershed Management Plans that define buffer zones and natural reserves; development of the Watershed Conservation Policy to guide legislation to reserve upland areas for water resource conservation; and on ground rehabilitation works to improve water quality. This Pacific IWRM ‘Progress Snapshot’ highlights results achieved to date.

Visit the Kava Bowl to access Samoa’s ‘Progress Snapshot’ – click here.


Integrating Land Use, Water Supply and Wastewater Management to Protect Alofi Town’s Groundwater Supply and Nearshore Reef Fishery

Niue IWRM Progress Snapshot

10th April 2013: Niue’s GEF Pacific IWRM Demonstration Project entitled “Using Integrated Land Use, Water Supply and Wastewater Management as a Protection Model for the Alofi Town Groundwater Supply and Nearshore Reef Fishery” has made great progress in strengthening legal frameworks for water resource management and securing access to safe drinking water. Key project results include: enactment of the Niue Water Act, which provides the nations first framework for water allocation and water resource protection; establishment and implementation of National and Village Drinking Water Safety Plans to provide safe drinking water to all central areas in Niue; and on ground works to improve Niue’s water security, through reducing water loss through leakage and increasing water storage. This Pacific IWRM ‘Progress Snapshot’ highlights results achieved to date.

Visit the Kava Bowl to access Niue’s ‘Progress Snapshot’ – click here.

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