The official launch of JDS2 was held today with a press conference in Regensburg, Germany, and the international distribution of a press release. The importance of the expedition was highlighted by Astrid Klug, the State Secretary of the German Federal Ministry of Environment. The Vice President of the ICPDR, Gheorghe Constantin from Romania, underlined the necessity of collecting international data as a basis for developing a river basin management plan as required by the EU Water Framework Directive. The ICPDR and the Danube countries are setting an example worldwide for fruitful international cooperation on water issues and in making the JDS2 a success, he said.
Media turnout was significant in Regensburg, as was the attendance of governmental and NGO representatives. Journalists had an opportunity to experience the expedition themselves on board the Argus, with demonstrations of analytical methods and a live sampling of aquatic fauna and flora. Many international media also called in to request coming on-board the ships to film the team at work along various stretches of the Danube.
After the event, the Argus started her journey to the second sampling site at river km 2415 near Kelheim. And the first results will be delivered soon!
(See the press release for further information)