
Summary and preliminary recommendations

In summary, the stakeholder analysis demonstrates two very important issues: first, that overall stakeholders feel a level of connection to the health of the Black Sea that should be nurtured through increasing awareness of causes and effects of environmental issues; and second, that stakeholder groups tend to be divided along economic interests when it comes to a perceived tradeoff between economic and environmental priorities. These two major findings suggest that a strategy of stakeholder involvement that focuses on education and awareness specific to individual stakeholder groups, in combination with increasing the awareness the economic benefits of environmental stewardship should be considered for future activities in the Black Sea. Stakeholder appear to be ready and willing to accept the information, and over all they appear to willing to consider alternative practices, if these are presented in a clear and logic manner that will not significantly hamper their economic conditions. Specific actions may include the following recommendations:

  • Develop focused stakeholder involvement strategies for livestock industry and port and harbor administrators to help them recognize and remedy actions that adversely impact the Black Sea ecosystem.
  • Target activities towards helping groups to adjust their current practices to more environmentally sustainable approaches, in all areas and issues.
  • Increase outreach efforts that emphasize the importance of biodiversity and habitat conservation.
  • Target efforts to inform stakeholder groupss about nutrient loading and eutrophication, and provide alternative approaches to current waste water and nutrient management practices.
  • Develop an outreach programme that includes stakeholders from all fisheries sectors to take steps towards addressing the causes of over-fishing.
  • Develop targeted interventions for the tourism and recreation industry to help it to take steps to avoid negatively impacting the waters of the Black Sea.
  • Develop an outreach component for the BS Commission that links the economic well-being of the region with the health of the Black Sea.




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