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A schematic diagram showing the inflow from the Mackenzie River trapped in the nearshore zone beneath the landfast ice Beyond the stamukhi zone, intermittent opening and refreezing in the flaw lead produces brine which encourages mixing and convection

A schematic diagram showing the inflow from the Mackenzie River trapped in the nearshore zone beneath the landfast ice Beyond the stamukhi zone, intermittent opening and refreezing in the flaw lead [..]
A schematic diagram showing the inflow from the Mackenzie River trapped in the nearshore zone beneath the landfast ice Beyond the stamukhi zone, intermittent opening and refreezing in the flaw lead produces brine which encourages mixing and convection

Concentrations of sum-PCB, sum-HCH, and sum-DDT in seawater, ice, and overlying snow collected at approximately the same locations in the Russian Arctic in 1993-95

Concentrations of sum-PCB, sum-HCH, and sum-DDT in seawater, ice, and overlying snow collected at approximately the same locations in the Russian Arctic in 1993-95
Concentrations of sum-PCB, sum-HCH, and sum-DDT in seawater, ice, and overlying snow collected at approximately the same locations in the Russian Arctic in 1993-95

Ultraviolet albedo and transmittance values for (A) thin (03 m) bare sea; (B) cold 16 m thick ice with a 01 m deep snow cover in April; (C) bare 17 m thick ice in May; and, (D) ponded ice with 01 m of water over 15 m thick ice

Ultraviolet albedo and transmittance values for (A) thin (03 m) bare sea; (B) cold 16 m thick ice with a 01 m deep snow cover in April; (C) bare 17 m thick ice in May; and, (D) ponded ice with 01 m of [..]
Ultraviolet albedo and transmittance values for (A) thin (03 m) bare sea; (B) cold 16 m thick ice with a 01 m deep snow cover in April; (C) bare 17 m thick ice in May; and, (D) ponded ice with 01 m of water over 15 m thick ice
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