Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of Arctic Canada
Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Arctic Russia
Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of eastern Arctic Russia
Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of western Arctic Russia
Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Arctic Norway
Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of Arctic Norway
Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Arctic Sweden
Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of Arctic Sweden
Changes with time in 137Cs contamination in the food chain lichen - reindeer - humans
Temporal variation in calculated reindeer Tag values for different Arctic regions
Temporal trends in OC levels (ng/g lw) in reindeer from Abisko, Sweden Levels are usually based on a pool of 10 samples
Deposition of PCBs, as mono/di/trichloro- and tetra-nonachlorobiphenyls) in snow cores from the Agassiz Ice Cap (northern Ellesmere Island, Canada) Combined light and dark shaded sections of each bar [..]
Temporal trends in concentrations of sum-HCH and toxaphene in Arctic air
Temporal trends in PCB and DDT levels (µg/g lw ± 95% confidence limits) of otter muscle in Sweden Levels are based on means of 26, 16, and 28 samples (northern Sweden) and 29, 9, and 15 samples [..]
Historical profiles of PCBs (trichloro- and all other) in slices from dated sediment cores in Alaska, Canada, and Finland Median age of each slice is given on the vertical axis The green lines [..]
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