Your query returned 65 graphics.
Results 16 - 30
Atmospheric winter concentrations (median values) of metals measured in different years in the <25 µm aerosol fraction at Ny-Ålesund, SvalbardAtmospheric winter concentrations (median values) of metals measured in different years in the <25 µm aerosol fraction at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard |
Composition of particles measured at different altitudes during winter flights in the Norwegian ArcticComposition of particles measured at different altitudes during winter flights in the Norwegian Arctic |
Concentrations of As and V in aerosols measured during concurrent measurement campaigns on Svalbard and two locations in Alaska during April 1986Concentrations of As and V in aerosols measured during concurrent measurement campaigns on Svalbard and two locations in Alaska during April 1986 |
Arctic sea-level atmospheric pressure (January)Mean atmospheric sea-level pressure (mb) in the Arctic in January |
Arctic sea-level atmospheric pressure (July)Mean atmospheric sea-level pressure (mb) in the Arctic in July |
Precipitation in the ArcticDistribution of precipitation (mm/y) in the Arctic |
Arctic atmospheric circulationThe mean circulation of the lower atmosphere during January and July as depicted by mean streamlines of the resultant winds |
Arctic air masses and atmospheric transport routesThe mean position of the Arctic air mass in winter (January) and summer (July), superimposed on the (summer value % (orange) - winter value % (blue)) frequency of major south-to-north transport routes [..] |
Cloud cover and precipitation in the Canadian High ArcticSeasonal variation in a) cloud cover and precipitation occurrence and b) precipitation amount in the Canadian High Arctic, 1951-1980 norms |
Atmosphere-surface exchangeSchematic diagram of processes of atmosphere-surface exchange |
Precipitation rate measurements from Alert from January through April 1992 showing periods of no snow, periods of no snow measured due to wind events, and the relatively large quantities of precipitation on days duringPrecipitation rate measurements from Alert from January through April 1992 showing periods of no snow, periods of no snow measured due to wind events, and the relatively large quantities of [..] |
Lower tropospheric temperatures since 1979, from satellite monitoring High variability is characteristic of the Arctic region due to its isolation from the moderating influences of warm, lower latitude, ocean currentsLower tropospheric temperatures since 1979, from satellite monitoring High variability is characteristic of the Arctic region due to its isolation from the moderating influences of warm, lower [..] |
Locations of upper-air meteorological monitoring stations in the Arctic Meteorological station density for surface observations is greater for inland areas of the Arctic, while observations of any kind are sparse over the Arctic OceanLocations of upper-air meteorological monitoring stations in the Arctic Meteorological station density for surface observations is greater for inland areas of the Arctic, while observations of any [..] |
Development of a type 1 ozone anomaly The series of satellite images show total column ozone for a period of days spanning 6-26 January 1996Development of a type 1 ozone anomaly The series of satellite images show total column ozone for a period of days spanning 6-26 January 1996 |
Trends in (annual average) ozone mixing ratio over Canada from 1980 to 1993Trends in (annual average) ozone mixing ratio over Canada from 1980 to 1993 |
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