Progress Report 2004
Flood Management and Mitigation Programme

The Mekong River Commission's new core programme, the Flood
Management and Mitigation Programme is now funded and ready
to start operations.
Work on German-funded components four and five (Flood Emergency
Management Strengthening and Land Management) began in September
A new Regional Flood Management and Mitigation Centre will
be built in Phnom Penh, Cambodia which will carry out flood
monitoring, forecasting and dissemination services. The programme
will also undertake policy discussions on land use planning
and infrastructure development in relation to flood impacts;
flood proofing measures; mediation services; analysis of risk
and impacts, and strengthening of capacity to manage flood emergencies.
The Flood Centre has estabished a temporary headquarters in
the former MRC Secretariat building in Phnom Penh. This centre
will act as a liaison office to relay regional and community
flood forecasts made by the team in Vientiane to the flood-prone
communities as well as to relay the community feedback to Vientiane.
In 2004 the FMMP made good progress with its activities.
- With continued assistance from the US Office for Foreign
Disaster Assistance, the Cambodian Red Cross, the American
Red Cross and Action Against Hunger, the FMMP expanded its
flood early warning system from sixvillages to 34 more villages
in five flood-prone provinces of Cambodia. The Provision of
Flood Early Warning to Flood Vulnerable Communities in the
Lower Mekong River Basin project will now be expanded to Lao
- The 10-month project on Capacity Building for Preparedness
Planning and Response Using Flood Information and Data, run
by the Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre and supported by
the European Commission for Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO),
was completed in June 2004
- A Phase II proposal for 2005-2006 was submitted to ECHO
for review.
- Two national training courses and one national seminar on
the implementation of flood preparedness programmes at provincial
and district levels were held during the year.
- Throughout the 2004 wet season the MRC Secretariat provided
daily flood forecasts on its website -
Water levels were updated every 24 hours and rainfall figures
were updated every 12 hours.
- The Third Annual Flood Forum took place in Vientiane, Lao
PDR from 7-8 April 2005.