Progress Report 2004
Fisheries Programme

The Fisheries Programme aims to manage the productive Mekong
fisheries so they can sustain their high yield and economic
output well into the future.
The programme does research into capture fisheries, manages
river and reservoir fisheries, promotes aquaculture of indigenous
Mekong fish species and trains fisheries managers. It also disseminates
a vast range of information to policy makers and planners in
the four Lower Mekong countries, so stakeholders, riparian governments
and the MRC can use it in development planning and management.
In 2004 the Fisheries Programme achieved some significant milestones.
- A three-year programme of capacity building in fisheries
co-management was completed. This programme has now trained
approximately 120 mid-to senior level management staff from
line agencies and over 500 users from community groups across
the four countries.
- Three basinwide studies were completed, covering catch monitoring,
consumption and marketing. These studies have provided useful
direction as to how to best continue with monitoring trends
in fisheries yields.
- In the communications field the programme produced a new
CD-Rom entitled Mekong Fisheries Information, published a
critically acclaimed book Fishing Gears of the Cambodian Mekong,
produced two new technical reports and issues of Catch and
Culturein both English and the four riparian languages.
- The Technical Advisory Body for Fisheries Management has
commenced implementation of a threeyear work plan under a
funding arrangement with Swedish International Development
Assistance. This will provide a sharper focus for transboundary
fisheries management initiatives.
The current phase of the Fisheries Programme ends in December
2005, but a funding commitment from the Danish Government aid
agency Danida will enable a new five-year Phase II to commence
in 2006, upon final approval by Danida. However, other donors
will be required for the full implementation of the programme