LOICZ affiliated projects contribute significantly to the LOICZ synthesis and the up and down-scaling of results. They are coordinated by members of the LOICZ community and are associated to at least one of the Scientific Themes and/or Priority Topics wherein their outputs and outcomes help developing:
- Methodologies or models that allow data assimilation, processing and synthesis, including up and/or down-scaling
- Scenarios of change and/or response to change in socio-ecological systems
- Scientific context for the evaluation of existing policies and structures
- Globally applicable tools for scientific synthesis, decision support and structure development
- Dissemination interfaces to provide information and assist sustainable coastal development on appropriate scales.
LOICZ seeks to expand its network of scientists by affiliating research activities fitting its portfolio. To apply for endorsement by LOICZ and hence to receive the benefits associated with affiliation to LOICZ a completed form has to be submitted to the LOICZ IPO. |
Requirements for affiliated projects
One aim of LOICZ is to provide a framework to encourage the fullest participation of multi-national, regional, and national research activities in its scientific activities that are focused on achieving the goals, aims and objectives outlined in the LOICZ Science Plan and Implementation Strategy (SPIS). A way we accomplish this is to actively engage with the international research community whose work concerns natural and socio-economic sciences of global environmental change in the coastal zone. The LOICZ project provides a forum to assimilate, integrate and synthesize the outputs of the research community. Furthermore it provides an opportunity to communicate and disseminate these outputs making them available to other scientists, the public, decision-makers and managers.
We therefore encourage you to seek affiliation of your research project/s by LOICZ and become a member of the global community and network of researchers and practitioners that is already part of the LOICZ portfolio. The procedure in place is outlined in the Terms of Reference for LOICZ affiliated activities and requires filling in a form in the Project Database.