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Pristina Drin Stakeholders Conference: A great Momentum for the Process towards Enhanced Transboundary Cooperation for the Basin’s Management
The 4th Stakeholders Conference in the framework of the Drin Coordinated Action (CORDA) for the implementation of the Drin Memorandum of Understanding for the management of the Drin Basin (Drin MoU) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) supported project “Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the extended Drin River Basin” (GEF Drin Project) took place on 14-15 December 2016, in Pristina.

Building Drin Riparians’ Capacities on Transboundary Water Cooperation and International Water Law
The GEF Drin Project ‘Enabling Τransboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the extended Drin River Basin’ organized its 1st capacity building workshop on “Transboundary Water Cooperation and International Water Law” in Athens, on 14-15 June 2016. The workshop was organized back-to-back with the 11th Meeting of the Drin Core Group / 2nd Meeting of the Steering Committee of the GEF Drin Project (13 June) and the 2nd Expert Working Group Meeting (16-17 June), leveraging the presence of their members in Athens.

The GEF Drin Project: Contributing in the 30th Session of the Montenegrin National Council for Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Integrated Coastal Zone Management
The National Council for Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Integrated Coastal Zone Management, headed by H.E. the President of Montenegro, Mr. Filip Vujanović, convened in Podgorica, on 15 June 2016, to review the draft National Strategy for Sustainable Development until 2030. The National Council also discussed issues and actions related to the protection and management of water resources and the coastal zone management in Montenegro.

Raising awareness among local communities on the importance of sustainable management for the Drin River Basin
The GEF Drin Project joined forces with the Act4Drin Project to celebrate the Drin Day 2016.

A new Impetus for Enhancing Cooperation for the Management of the Drin Basin
GWP-Med news highlighting the Inception Meeting of the GEF supported project

Activities for the management of Skadar Lake vegetation in Montenegro through biomass collection and production of fuel briquettes have been initiated.
A field visit on 25-27 January 2017 marked the initiation of the pilot activity “Multipurpose management of Skadar Lake vegetation through biomass collection and production of fuel briquettes in Montenegro – Phase 1”.