About the project
Project background
More than 25 percent of the world's population either lives on or obtains its water from karst aquifers. Karst is a special type of geologic environment that is formed by dissolution and corrosion of soluble rocks, such as limestone and dolomite. Karst hydrogeology is characterized by high fracture controlled permeability, almost total absence of surface water, high infiltration rates and rapid underground flows of groundwater.
Project Factsheet
Here you can find some facts about the DIKTAS project (Protection and Sustainable Use of the Dinaric Karst Transboundary Aquifer System).
Project partners
Project Structure
Information on the project structure.
Project Components
Here you can find a description of the four Components of the DIKTAS Project.
The TDA – SAP process
“To produce global environmental benefits, international waters projects must address transboundary water-related environmental concerns” (GEF Strategy 1996). In many cases, like the one of the Dinaric Karst Aquifer, these transboundary concerns, and the actions needed to address them are not adequately defined.
Collaboration mechanisms
In the framework of the DIKTAS project, the four DIKTAS project countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Montenegro) have agreed to create two mechanisms in order to facilitate enhanced consultation and exchange of information between the governmental entities that are involved in water resources management: National Inter-ministerial Committees (NICs) in each of the project countries, and a Consultation and Information Exchange (CIE) body at the regional level.
Notable Karst Areas on Global Scale
Karst Areas in the World