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UNEP project manual:
formulation, approval, monitoring and evaluation 2005

This manual is designed to assist and guide project managers, programme officers and fund management officers to formulate high-quality projects and activities that effectively promote the mandate and mission of UNEP. The manual aims to assist project management by setting out procedures and requirements for project preparation, approval, revision, reporting, monitoring, and evaluation. The end-result aimed at is projects that comply with the UNEP mandate, are focused and effective, and have substantial and sustainable long-term impacts.

The manual contains three distinct segments:

  1. Overall guidance on project planning and design: Project cycle and description of each phase; and key elements to consider during project formulation – poverty alleviation and environment, gender-sensitivity, project sustainability and logical framework matrix.
  2. Procedural and administrative aspects of UNEP project preparation, approval, monitoring and evaluation;
  3. Donor-specific requirements for project document preparation, approval and reporting, namely United Nations Foundation, United Nations Development Account and Global Environment Facility.