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About GEO Year Book 2007
The GEO Year Book 2007 is the fourth annual report on the changing environment produc- ed by the United Nations Envir- onment Programme in collabo- ration with many world environ- ment experts.

The 2007 Year Book includes global and regional overviews of signifi cant developments over the past year. It high- lights linkages among ecosys- tem health, human well-be- ing, and economic develop- ment; examines new thinking on the value of ecosystem services and the threat from ecosystem degradation; and describes recent research fi- ndings and policy decisions that affect our awareness and response to global change.

A special feature focus ana- lyzes the intersection between environment and globalization where ecosystem services and the human well-being that depends on those services are affected by natural resource exploitation in response to global demands. The chapter also explores some of the innovative policy mechanisms that link global supplies of goods and services with sust- ainable development objectiv- es.

The emerging scientific and policy challenges of nanotech- nology are examined from an environmental perspective. Na- notechnology will bring env- ironmental benefi ts but it is vital that we adopt appro- priate assessment and legis- lative processes to address the unique challenges presented by nanomaterials and their life cycles.

Table of Contents
Achim Steiner
Under-Secretary General
and Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme
Overview 2006
 Global  Africa  Asia and the Pacific  Europe
 Latin America and the Caribbean  North America  West Asia  Polar
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Feature Focus: Environment and Globalization
 The Many Faces of Globalization
 Linking Globalization, Ecosystem Services, and Human Well-Being
 Managing Globalization to Protect Ecosystem Services and Human Well-Being
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Emerging Challenges – New Findings
 The environmental benefits of nanotechnology
 The environmental risks of nanotechnology
Looking ahead
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GEO Indicators
 Environmental trends in 2006  Energy  Climate change
 Stratospheric ozone depletion
 Forests  Fisheries  Biodiversity  Water and sanitation
 Environmental governance
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Table of Contents
Acronyms and Abbreviations

The GEO Year Book Series

© UNEP 2007