United Nations Environment Programme
environment for development
Division of Environmental Law and Conventions Search 

Chemicals and Wastes

The Division of Environmental Law and Conventions (DELC) leads the following functions of UNEP:

    To promote the progressive development and implementation of environmental law to respond to environmental challenges, in particular by supporting States and the international community in strengthening their capacity to develop and implement legal frameworks; and

    To support the implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) by parties, and facilitate interlinkages and synergies, while respecting the legal autonomy of MEAs and the decisions taken by their respective governing bodies.

Certificate of Advanced Studies in Environmental Diplomacy
25 May - 22 August 2009
University of Geneva - Geneva, Switzerland
UNEP and the EC unveil their new initiative at CDB COP-9
28 June - 10 July 2009
Lake Naivasha Sopa Lodge - Nairobi Kenya
MEAs Negotiators Handbook