The protection of the Danube became an issue over past years. The economic development in the Danube region brought not only improvement of quality of life but also threat to the environment and to the river. Increase of industrial activities, extensive agriculture, growing municipal communities, all those are potential sources of pollution if not properly managed and can have negative impact on functions of the river, water quality, water uses, e.g. water supplies for inhabitants, aquatic life, etc. . In particular, pollution by nutrients and toxic substances becomes a serious problem, since it is affecting not only the Danube but also the Black Sea.
Today, there are many countries, organizations and projects that are meeting the challenge to protect the Danube Basin's natural environment, but there is still a need to establish and strengthen environmental networks of governments, regions, communities and NGOs of the countries in the Danube River Basin.
The Danube Regional Project is here to reinforce regional cooperation of the Danube countries and support development of national policies and legislation and the definition of priority actions for pollution control in order to ensure common approach to protection of international waters, sustainable management of natural resources and biodiversity.