Bucharest, November 10-13, 2004
The Best Western Parc Hotel Bucharest
3-5 Poligrafiei Blvd.
013704 Bucharest 1
Tel: +4021 224 2020/224 2000
Fax: +4021 224 3676
In 2001, one of the GEF largest interventions in the International Waters, the Danube - Black Sea Strategic Partnership was launched, consisting of three elements: the UNDP Danube Regional Project (DRP), the UNDP/UNEP Black Sea Recovery Project (BSERP) and World Bank Investment fund for Nutrient Reduction (WBIF). The Partnership is now reaching its mid point of implementation and this is the time when the progress of implementation and the results obtained so far should be evaluated as well as the planned activities discussed. For this purpose, a Danube - Black Sea Stocktaking Meeting is being organized.
The overall goal of the Stocktaking Meeting is to review progress of key Objectives and Indicators of the Strategic Partnership (SP) for the D-BS basin and to present and analyze the results so far obtained and to identify and analyze problems and bottlenecks that are hindering efficient project implementation. The meeting shall adopt, if necessary, mid-course correcting measures in order to streamline the implementation of the Strategic Partnership towards its Objectives and Indicators and give recommendations for further reinforcement of cooperation in the Danube - Black Sea Region., to adopt mid course correcting measures in order to streamline the implementation of the Strategic Partnership towards its Objectives and Indicators.
The meeting will bring together a number of stakeholders involved in projects and activities for improving water quality in this region - the representatives of the Danube and Black Sea countries, the two Commissions, GEF and UN organizations, World Bank, donors and NGOs.
Background documents
Each of the Implementation Agencies, executing the Strategic Partnerhip (UNDP, UNEP and the World Bank), the two regional projects - DRP and BSERP, as well as the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River Basin and the Black Sea Commission have prepared background documents for the Stocktaking Meeting.
Meeting Report
The Meeting Report will be also distributed on a CD together with all background documents and Photogallery