Towards good governance in Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Algeria

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More than 120 participants attended two workshops held in Algeria for the preparation of a national  Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) strategy. The workshops were organised by the Ministry of Land-use Planning, Environment and Town with the support of PAP/RAC.

As part of the participatory approach to the development of the National ICZM Strategies, these workshops aim at integrating stakeholders views and opinions on national priorities and relevant solutions for coastal management in Algeria.   
The workshops were held in two of Algeria's coastal Wilayas (Provinces), in East and West Algeria, and gathered a wide span of stakeholders, including representatives of every single sector invited, as well as a number of representatives of local communities, authorities, NGOs, and media. The Annaba workshop held on 27 March, gathered 70 participants from five coastal Wilayas from the East, namely, El Tarf, Annaba, Skikda, Jijel and Bejaia; around 50 others coming from the Wilayas of Tlemcen, Ain Témouchent, Oran and Mostaganem participated to the Oran workshop held on 2  April.

Participants seized the opportunity to share their experience and views about institutional functioning, participation and relation between scientific knowledge and ICZM.

A similar workshop will be organised in Tipaza (Wilaya of the Centar) to conclude this cycle of Workshops contributing to good governance in ICZM.

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