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| About
WELCOME TO THE PACIFIC ENVIRONMENT INFORMATION NETWORK [PEIN] The resources of the Pacific Environment Information Network are hosted on the SPREP Library and IRC website as follows:
Background information to the IRC&PEINWinner
of the Stockholm Challenge Environment Category 2004
The transfer of environmental information to all sectors of the Pacific island countries, has proved to be a complex and difficult task as identified in a survey conducted in 1995 (by SPC, SPREP & UNESCO) in some countries of the 3 sub-regions (Micronesia, Melanesia and Polynesia). Environmental information is sent to SPREP Focal Points as the assigned ministries in member countries and for a variety of reasons, this information has previously not been transferred efficiently, or in some instances, not transferred at all. A study done in 1992 recommended that SPREP look at enhancing its focal point mechanism and clearinghouse role, thereby encouraging the generation of information appropriate to government and non-government user needs. Subsequent studies and internal evaluations of SPREP (conducted in 2000) also arrived at the same conclusion (i.e.: that information sharing and clearinghouse mechanism for environmental information should be made a priority of the organization). With the main identified regional project problem pertaining to lack of suitable environmental awareness across the Pacific, caused largely by the lack of appropriate environmental information flows to all sectors of the island country communities, the proposal through the PEIN network was designed to increase, improve and upgrade in terms of appropriateness, quality and quantity, the flow of environmental information from SPREP Headquarters in Samoa to Environment Departments (or other designated sites) of its member countries, who in turn retransmit it to people in all sectors of the population. Established in 2001, the two components funded by the European Commission through its 8th European Development Fund programme has an overall objective of “…to improve SPREP’s capabilities for information collection and management and, on this basis, to strengthen national capacity for environmental protection and sustainable development of the Pacific Island States and Territories in general and the Pacific ACP States in particular”. It is a combined effort by the SPREP and EC to address the lack of environmental information currently inherent in the majority of countries all over the Pacific. The basic modality of achieving this is to further develop the information facilities, and handling capabilities at SPREP Headquarters as well as the national level environmental information dissemination expertise and capacities to facilitate information flow. As a people’s information network, the PEIN is designed to provide environmental information in appropriate forms and languages to all sectors of the community. The IRC as the conduit by which the PEIN disseminates environmental information, is also a member of various international and regional networks and can access them on behalf of member countries if so required, to acquire appropriate information when needed. Community knowledge and awareness of appropriate environmental protection and conservation practices are crucial for the success of national policies for sustainable development and is the guiding principle of the widespread coverage of the PEIN network. The SPREP IRC will interface with national networks to provide information dissemination avenue through the appropriate medium (paper, audio, video, internet, etc). The interface with national networks is critical in that they are the only point of direct contact best able to reach and deliver information to the various sectors of the national system. The ‘project’ is designed to give more prominence to people than to high technology. It will provide an information dissemination system which is appropriate to the development status and economic situations of PICTs, and which in the long-term will assist efforts in the direction of sustainable and profitable use of natural resources, improved economic status and social capital development. The main factors proposed to be addressed through the PEIN Project will be:
Priorities and SPREP’s responseThis ‘project’ is an overarching one to encompass the need as expressed by member countries (through workshop reports; SPREP meeting; and independent surveys (e.g.: AusAID review) for environmental information. The ‘passing of information produced by SRPEP through its focal points approach’ has been tried and tested, and has come up short hence the need to establish ‘libraries’ in-country. This was seen as a more feasible approach whereby users could contact a central location (or several locations within countries which have established national environmental networks, both formal and informal) for environmental information rather than having to contact focal points, whose roles in-country might not necessarily include the dissemination of information (e.g.: some of our Focal Points are Foreign Affairs offices, High Commissioner’s offices, etc.). The PEIN and IRC is a combined ‘programme’ which feeds into SPREP’s role of clearinghouse for environmental information supporting all KRAs of SPREP, and is not supposed to be seen as a separate project on its own. The clearinghouse/information sharing and gathering role of SRPEP is one of the major areas of focus in SPREP’s Action Plan and has been since SPREP began in 1982 as a programme within SPC. In order to ensure effective dissemination of environmental information to PICTs under SPREP’s various KRAs, SPREP is attempting to strengthen in-country environmental collections/centres in order for all SPREP produced/compiled studies and reports (in various formats) to be consulted by anyone interested in environmental issues, and not target only technical and/or scientific personnel(s). PEIN&IRC is also a conduit through which any other environmental-related information could be acquired if countries do not have the capacity to acquire such information themselves (e.g. communication infrastructure does not allow certain departments to download information via the internet, etc.). This was clearly encapsulated by member countries at a waste management meeting held in Australia in 2001. It complements existing regional and international networks and should not duplicate information networks that have or are in the process of establishing their own links. Programme DescriptionAs approved in the Financing Agreement (No.6268/REG), the duration of the project is three years with a total budget of Euro €560,000. The project is divided into two components. Component 1: to construct, design and supervise, and equip an Information Resource Centre (IRC) whilst Component 2 will concentrate on achieving in-country training and regional activities associated with the Pacific Environmental Information Network (PEIN) of the IRC. Of the total amount (Euro €560,000), Euro €350,000 will go towards Component 1, and Euro €150,000 to Component 2. The remaining Euro €60,000 will be set aside for required Contingencies and independent Evaluations. The main results (or outputs) expected from the project are:
Because of the nature of the work required (i.e.: assistance in the establishment of National Environmental Libraries/Information Centres), the Performance Indicators and Means of Verification is straight forward. In-country verification will be in the form of the physical libraries/information centres established in individual PICTs. Status of ProgrammeThe PEIN&IRC funding was secured under EU financial assistance
under its 8th EDF Pacific Regional Indicative Programme throughout
the life span of the PEIN Work Programme (i.e.: February 2001 – December
2003). Further funding was secured under the 9th EDF for this programme
to extend into new Pacific ACP states. PEIN II funding under the 9th
covers the period from 1 January 2005 – 31 December 2007. A
Rider to the Financing agreement in 2007 has extended the project implimention
to 31 December 2008. |
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