
Capacity Building on Climate Change in the Republic of Serbia
Capacity Building for the Implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol in Balkan Stability Pact Countries
Capacity Building on Climate Change in the Republic of Serbia
Current and Future Trends in Renewable Energy Promotion Policies in Central and Eastern Europe
Dissemination of the ZeroCarbonCity Campaign in Turkey
Dissemination of the ZeroCarbonCity Campaign in Turkey (Phase 2)
Facilitating a Turkish Business Initiative on Climate Change
Facilitating the Involvement of Turkish Local Authorities in Climate Change Mitigation
Facilitation of Climate Policy in Economies in Transition for the post-Kyoto period
Implementation of Green Investment Schemes in Economies in Transition
Intelligent Energy-Saving Measures for Municipal Housing in Central and Eastern Europe (INTENSE)
Kyoto in the Home: Environmental Education in the Czech Republic
Preparation of the Climate Change Framework Action Plan for South Eastern Europe
REC Conference Center - Aiming for Zero Emissions
REC Conference Center - Aiming for Zero Emissions (Phase 2)
Publication of the REEEP Annual Report 2007/8
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) Secretariat for Central and Eastern Europe and Turkey
Strengthening Cooperation between Bulgarian and Macedonian Industries on the Implementation of Environmental Management Systems
Support to Activities of the European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change, and the Drafting of an Action Plan for the Regional Focal Point of Article 6 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Support to Activities of the European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change, and the Drafting of an Action Plan for the Regional Focal Point of Article 6 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

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