Publication list by date

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Green Pack: Bulgaria (Online)
April 2003

The Green Pack is a multi-media environmental education curriculum kit for teaching children between 11 and 14 years old about environmental protection and sustainable development. The Bulgarian Green Pack contains material specific to...

Developing Skills of NGOs: Presentation and Communication (Print)
November 2002

To respond to the training needs of environmental NGOs in South Eastern Europe, a set of user-friendly guides was produced in the series Developing Skills of NGOs. Experts from SEE were involved in producing the guides, ensuring that the...

Developing Skills of NGOs: Project Management (Print)
November 2002

To respond to the training needs of environmental NGOs in South Eastern Europe, a set of user-friendly guides was produced in the series Developing Skills of NGOs. Experts from SEE were involved in producing the guides, ensuring that the...

Developing Skills of NGOs: Proposal Writing (Print)
November 2002

To respond to the training needs of environmental NGOs in South Eastern Europe, a set of user-friendly guides was produced in the series Developing Skills of NGOs. Experts from SEE were involved in producing the guides, ensuring that the...

Developing Skills of NGOs: The Right to Know (Print)
November 2002

To respond to the training needs of environmental NGOs in South Eastern Europe, a set of user-friendly guides was produced in the series Developing Skills of NGOs. Experts from SEE were involved in producing the guides, ensuring that the...

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