Regions for Sustainable Change (RSC) is a partnership of 12 organisations from Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Malta, Spain and the United Kingdom, which share the goal of supporting regional development programmes to stimulate climate...
Green Horizon Online assists the REC in its mission to promote public participation in environmental decision making by providing information on the environment and encouraging cooperation among regional stakeholders.
Since 2001, the REC has carried out activities to help the countries of South Eastern Europe to re-establish and develop their environmental legal systems in accordance with EU requirements. This brochure was produced to summarise activities that...
A training for environmental inspectors and permit writers on the implementation and enforcement of the Seveso II Directive was held in May 2009. A website was created for the event that provided background information, documentation...
A study visit on the transposition, implementation and practical application of the Seveso II Directive was organised in May under the REReP CARDS project “Assistance in Environmental Law Drafting in South Eastern Europe”, which...