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DRP Small Grants: The reduction of nutrient pollution in the Danube Basin through the promotion and use of good agricultural practices(GEFID: )

Remote project URL 

Title: DRP Small Grants: The reduction of nutrient pollution in the Danube Basin through the promotion and use of good agricultural practices

GEF Project Number:

IA(s): Public Association 'Cutezatorul'

Project Notes:

Dates and locations

Start date
End date
Countries Republic of Moldova
Region Danube-Black Sea




Total GEF/WB investment (USD): $10,000




Annual tonnes of nitrogen reduced: N/A

Annual tonnes of phosphorous reduced: N/A




Project Manager: Elena Armand

GOV Contact(s): Victor Cimpoies,

Questionnaire received: Yes

Valid: Yes


Practice: Community involvement. Implemented for: DRP Small Grants: The reduction of nutrient pollution in the Danube Basin through the promotion and use of good agricultural practices.Community involvement
Practice: Community partnerships. Implemented for: DRP Small Grants: The reduction of nutrient pollution in the Danube Basin through the promotion and use of good agricultural practices.Community partnerships
Practice: Training on and implementation of organic agriculture. Implemented for: DRP Small Grants: The reduction of nutrient pollution in the Danube Basin through the promotion and use of good agricultural practices.Training on and implementation of organic agriculture


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