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Practice: A dedicated team for outreach to farmers . Implemented for: Baltic Sea Regional Project, Tranche 1.


Name A dedicated team for outreach to farmers for The Baltic Sea Regional Project, Tranche 1

Practice A dedicated team for outreach to farmers

Project Baltic Sea Regional Project, Tranche 1

Beneficiary country: Y

Region: Baltic Sea Central and Eastern Europe


Description: The establishment of a local project implementation team in the Leningrad region of Russia has been supported, to work with farms and to implement agro-environmental investments. This team is part-financed by NEFCO for an indefinite period.

Comments: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and the Russian Federation

Implementation start date: 2003-01-01

Implementation end date: 2007-12-31

Link to project documents: Project documents


Other outcomes: Project activities created modest opportunities for employment, local business development and income generation in conjunction with pro-environment works, and development of local eco-tourism under the coastal zone management activities, with the likelihood of more substantial opportunities from follow-on programs. The increased employment, in turn, is expected to have a positive impact on poverty, particularly in rural areas.



Co-finance partners:

Project Manager: Jan Thulin

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