Name Nutrient Management for Rural Environmental Protection Project (REPP)
Nutrient Management
Rural Environmental Protection Project (REPP)
Beneficiary country: Y
Central and Eastern Europe
Danube-Black Sea
Analysis – Why the BMP worked or did not work?: Farmers involved and understood benefits
Description: Manure tanks and (funded through pre-accession sources) and manure pads were useful in showing farmers how much of their manure had previously been wasted (a valuable source of nutrients) resulting in pollution. Training and use of agricultural advisory services, planting of buffer strips (500,000 trees/shrubs planted), publicity material for farmers, 25 monitoring sites to quantify benefits (in the longer term -- 10 years -- 28,000 family farms involved, 952 manure tanks constructed, and 655 manure pads built. Nutrient Management Plans were introduced on 893 farms covering 23,295 ha with an estimated nutrient reduction of 800 tonnes/year. 73% of farmers participating saw the benefits /savings from the reduced use of mineral fertilizers
Lessons learned: Even more effort needs to be directed towards advisory services
Comments: Poland
Implementation start date:
Implementation end date:
Link to project documents: Project documents http://www.iwlearn.net/iw-projects/Fsp_112799468329/project_doc/poland-project-brief-34p-248k.pdf/view
Link to project reports: Project reports http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2004/10/19/000090341_20041019102139/Rendered/PDF/299000PL.pdf
Annual tons of nitrogen reduced: 81
Other outcomes: Assistance with pre-accession
Total co-finance (USD): 9.4 M
Total GEF/WB investment: USD 5.0 million
Co-finance partners: Country, EU, Nordic Environment Finance Group
World Bank contact: Barbara Letachowicz
World Bank contact (email): BLetachowicz@worldbank.org
Project Manager:
Ryszard Rogowski