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Practice: BAP 8: Manure Handling. Implemented for: DRP Small Grants: 1.3 (Agriculture).


Name BAP 8: Manure Handling - There should be storage capacity for at least 6 months production of livestock manure at the farm. Production systems with use of bedding material need storage capacity for liquid and solid manure. Production systems with deep bedding can store the manure on the field for at least 6 months if the manure has a dry matter content of minimum 30%. for

Practice BAP 8: Manure Handling

Project DRP Small Grants: 1.3 (Agriculture)

Beneficiary country: Danube Countries

Region: Central and Eastern Europe Danube-Black Sea


Description: Implemented on 8 family farms

Lessons learned: Detailed reports summarises successes through good involvement of farmers and advisory services

Comments: Demos in Siberia

Implementation start date: 2005-01-01

Implementation end date: 2007-12-31

Link to project documents: Project documents

Link to project reports: Project reports


Annual tons of nitrogen reduced: Estimated for 'model farm' as ~2 tonne/year

Annual tons of phosphorous reduced: Estimated for 'model farm' as ~ 800 kg/yr


Total co-finance (USD): n/a

Total GEF/WB investment: USD 0.6 million


Co-finance partners:

Project Manager: Ivan Zavadsky

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