Name Controlled use of fertilisers for Prespa Lake Integrated Ecosystem Management.
Intervention 2: Reducing Environmental
Impacts of Agriculture
Controlled use of fertilisers
Integrated Ecosystem Management in the Prespa Lakes Basin of Albania, FYR-Macedo ...
Beneficiary country: Macedonia
Beneficiary country
Central and Eastern Europe
Prespa Lakes
Description: This approach provides of a solid basis to introduce good agricultural production principles using agrochemical laboratory testing and disease monitoring, managed by farmers’ associations. The pesticide applications are and excessive levels of nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) in the soil are reduced by establishing a scientific monitoring and community-based information sharing system.
Comments: Macedonia/Albania
Implementation start date:
Implementation end date:
Link to project documents: Project documents http://prespa.iwlearn.org
Other outcomes: Reduction of the environmental impacts of agriculture.
Possibility for reducing production costs as a result of reduced fertiliser and pesticide use, and
the improved marketability of products.
Collaboration with local apple farmers to reduce negative environmental impacts (pesticides,
water- and soil-use patterns etc.) while enhancing their productivity in a sustainable manner.
The potential application of the technology on any farm, regardless of size and crop type.
Reduction of the negative environmental impacts of agriculture.
Total co-finance (USD): 220,000
Total GEF/WB investment: USD 4.13 million
Co-finance partners: UNDP
Project Manager:
Akihito Kono