Name Improved Manure Management Technology for Georgia: Agricultural Research, Extension, Training Project (ARET)
Improved Manure Management Technology
Georgia: Agricultural Research, Extension, Training Project (ARET)
Beneficiary country: Y
Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia
Description: Grants will also be made for off-farm storage and innovative manure spreading equipment (e.g. soil injection) in some cases.
Manure storage pits will have a 15-20 cm GW cca gravel bedding layer compacted to 30 MPa under the foundation slab. Waterproof and chemical resistant concrete of strength class C30/37 will be used for constructing manure pit floors and walls. The concrete will contain steel reinforcement of 70 kg/m3. Sealing tape will be used between upright walls and foundation slab, construction joints and working joints. All concrete poured will be tested, with one sample per 10M3.
Lessons learned: Prioritizing needs in the agriculture sector is best done around a core set of themes
Comments: Georgia
Link to project documents: Project documents
Link to project reports: Project reports http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2009/08/13/000334955_20090813020244/Rendered/PDF/ICR10610P065711IC0disclosed08111191.pdf
Annual tons of nitrogen reduced: decrease of NO3 by 4.6 percent.
Annual tons of phosphorous reduced: decrease of PO4 by 23.5 percent.
Total co-finance (USD): 0.5 M
Total GEF/WB investment: USD 2.3 million
World Bank contact: Darejan Kapanadze
World Bank contact (email): dkapanadze@worldbank.org
Project Manager:
George Maglakelidze