Rivers of Lower Mekong Basin | |
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Data format: SDE Feature Class Coordinate system: Indian_1954_UTM_Zone_48N Location: Server=mekserv3; Service=5153; Database=mrc; User=sde; Version=sde.DEFAULT |
Rivers of Lower Mekong Basin |
Metadata elements shown with blue text are defined in the International Organization for Standardization's (ISO) document 19115 Geographic Information - Metadata. Elements shown with green text are defined by ESRI and will be documented as extentions to the ISO 19115. Elements shown with a green asterisk (*) will be automatically updated by ArcCatalog.
No.184, Unit 18, Fa Ngoum Rd., Ban Sithane Neua
No.184, Unit 18, Fa Ngoum Rd., Ban Sithane Neua
No.184, Unit 18, Fa Ngoum Rd., Ban Sithane Neua
No.184, Unit 18, Fa Ngoum Rd., Ban Sithane Neua
Rivers of Lower Mekong Basin
No.184, Unit 18, Fa Ngoum Rd., Ban Sithane Neua
AREA: IN THE LOWER MEKONG BASIN INCLUDING: - Cambodia - Laos - Thailand - Vietnam SOURCE MAP : American topo maps 1:50'000 and topo maps 1:100,000 (Thai part) SOURCE DATA SET: American topo maps 1:50'000 partially taken from 1:100,000, please refer to the b-sheet50 index coverage, or SOURCE item SOURCE AGENCY : Watershed Classification Project (WSCP), MRCS GENERATION------------------- - Dataset was created by Watershed Classification Project (WSCP), MRCS - Dataset was further corrected (connected and flipped lines/psuedo node removed/named/coded) by MRC-TSD.(Nov 2004) Improvement detailed as following: a) Improvement of this dataset was done following the criterias: - using 1:50,000 scanned topomaps as referenced maps, rivers with name were kept and ones without name were eliminated. - using 1:50,000 scanned topomaps as referenced maps, remove double-line rivers and replace them with single-line rivers (re-digitize -following the middle channel of the river) -code and name the river, MRC hydrological coding system was applied. b) methodolgy used: geo-referenced scanned topomaps (1:50,000) were used as background references through out the editing processes. - rivers were clipped into individual subcatchment using subcatchment area derived from WSCP. - pseudo nodes were removed, lines of the same river were connected, all lines were flipped to the correct hydrological flow direction. - no-name rivers were removed - double-line rivers were replaced with new-digitized single-line rivers (following the middle channel between double lines). - names and codes of major tributaries were entered. MRC-hydrological coding system/criteria from "Hydrological User Manual" (obtained from Hydrological Team) were applied. -River code = main river order and tributary order e.g. Lam Taklong R. is a tributary of Mun R. Code of Lam Taklong R = Mun R. order (38) and Lam Taklong R. order (07) = 3807 - Since geo-referenced scanned maps were used as referenced maps, parts that were originally either in zone 47 or 49 were re-projected to the original zone in oder to be properly edited, and then re-projected back to zone 48 before putting back together as one piece of LMB river at final step. STATUS: - Compiled by A. Heinimann basen on sheetwise data (TA, WSCP), 19 October 2001 - Last update by: MRC-TSD (Mr Touch Vina), 23 November 2004 - Completion status: vectors complete, hydrological (stream) order yet to be done COMMENTS : As the river data set was a side product additionally done by the WSCP, the digitized vectors are not as accurate as the base maps used. UNITS Map Units: meters System: UTM, Zone 48 Datum: Indian 54 (inf_a), Spheroid Everest ARC ATTRIBUTE TABLE (aat) RIV_CODE - code of river using the same coding system as subcatchment. RIV_CLASS - classes of the stream/river, where I - Intermittent P - Perennial C - canal L - lake NA - topo-sheet is not accessible for referencing RIV_CROSS - two or more streams cross creating polylines - coded as 'Cross' RIV_NAME - stream/river name
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