


Reaching out to the public in the Danube River Basin


Public participation is not only a core principle in sustainable water management as required by the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD); it is also a fundamental principle of modern governance and future-oriented policies



The ICPDR, being the coordinating platform for the implementation of the WFD in the Danube River Basin, has to ensure basin-wide coordination and harmonisation of methodologies. Regarding public participation (PP) this includes developing an overall PP strategy and ensuring a harmonised approach on the local, sub-basin, national, and basin-wide level. Several open questions are to be answered: What is PP in the context of the Danube River Basin planning and the ICPDR? Which stakeholders should participate on what level of the Danube River Basin management planning process and how can participation processes be guaranteed? What type of participation is desired and appropriate: information, consultation or active participation in decision-making?

The road to a Danube PP Strategy

Initially, it was the Danube River Basin NGO community that worked to place PP higher on the agenda of the ICPDR and the development of the DRB Management Plan. Subsequently, the ICPDR approved, in June 2002, the "Issue Paper on Public Participation for the Implementation of the WFD in the Danube River Basin” initiated and prepared by WWF and GWP. Additionally they asked the River Basin Management Expert Group to develop a strategy for PP in the Danube River Basin. As part of its activities to enhance PP in the Danube Basin, the UNDP/GEF Danube Regional Project in April 2003 organized a PP workshop on behalf of the ICPDR. Over 50 representatives including national representatives to ICPDR Expert Groups, PP specialists from the national level, from the European Commission and from NGOs (DEF, GWP, WWF etc.) participated and provided input for developing the first "Strategy for Public Participation in the Danube River Basin for the Implementation of WFD” (in short "Danube PP Strategy”) as well as an Operational Plan for the ICPDR.

Public participation principles

Inherent in the Danube PP Strategy are PP principles that were formulated at the workshop, such as: 1) PP is a process and should be strategic and flexible 2) The type of participation depends on the nature of the respective tasks 3) In order to be successful, PP has to start as soon as possible 4) Building capacity for PP is central and should be seen as a step-by-step process. 5) PP should be transparent and understandable.
In June 2003, the ICPDR principally approved the Danube PP Strategy and encouraged its further development and implementation.

Upcoming activities

A detailed workplan is currently being discussed to finally bring life to the strategies and concepts. This workplan includes concrete activities until the end of 2004 to pave the way for participation on the Danube Basin- wide level which should include the production of a leaflet in national languages about the WFD implementation process, an analysis of the stakeholders to be involved on the regional level, an analysis of the existing structures for participation on the regional level, the marking of a Danube Day underlining the importance of the "river basin concept” versus "the river-line concept”, and the development of a media network to be able to pass information fast to the inhabitants of the Basin.

These activities are the starting of a process that should add credibility to river basin management planning and assist the Danube countries in their effort to work for and with society.



The results of the workshop, background documentation as well as the "Strategy for Public Participation in the Danube River Basin for the WFD Implementation” are available on (Click on "Ongoing Activities" and then on "Activity 1.1.11 Public Participation”). For further information concerning the Danube PP Strategy, the ICPDR Operational Plan and other ICPDR activities related to PP please contact: Jasmine Bachmann ( For information concerning the UNDP/GEF Danube Regional Project's PP activities contact Andy Garner (