GEF hosted its second International Waters Conference to review its Waters
Portfolio and to share experiences. Joachim Bendow and Ursula Schmedtje
represented the ICPDR and presented a poster exhibition about the Danube
Basin, the Danube River Protection Convention and the work of governmental
and non-governmental institutions toward its implementation.
There are 261 transboundary rivers all over the world, the basins of which
are shared by at least two countries and cover an area of about two-thirds
of the continents and host two-fifths of the world population. Appropriate
integrated management of rivers, lakes or aquifers, shared by several riparian
countries, is of strategic significance. This is why the Network of Transboundary
Basin Organizations was esrablished. The objective of this Network is to
enable the executives and technicians to exchange experiences and to compare
approaches and methods. It was discussed, that in Central and Eastern European,
under the leadership of Romania, the cooperation of basin organisations
will focus on the implementation of the EU-Waterframework Directive.
The Working Group of the Federal States on water problems (LAWA) was set
up to provide continuous and up-to-date information for the general public
through a range of publications on the findings of the working groups and
makes its policy documents available to all interested parties. One of the
main topics of interest is the implementation of the EU Water Framework
Directive, being also the focus of the 7th Technical Workshop, attended
by Ursula Schmedtje, the Expert on River Basin Management of the ICPDR and
Joachim Bendow, Executive Secretary of the ICDPR.