Your query returned 145 graphics.
Results 61 - 75
Transect south–north across the survey area near the western boundary in 1995Transect south–north across the survey area near the western boundary in 1995, showing: (a) pH in a water extract of the O-horizon; (b) ammonium acetate extractable (pH 4.5) base cation concentrations [..] |
Ammonium acetate extractable Ca and Mg in the O-horizon of soilsAmmonium acetate extractable Ca and Mg in the O-horizon of soils (x-axis) vs. their total concentrations (aqua regia extractable) in the C-horizon of soils and in moss in 1995 |
A comparison of the two west–east transects across the survey area in 1995A comparison of the two west–east transects across the survey area in 1995, showing changes from east to west in (a) total Al (nitric acid) and exchangeable Al concentrations in the O-horizon; (b) [..] |
Transect west–east across the survey area showing exchangeable Ca in the O-horizon of podzol soils in 1995 and from 2000 to 2001Transect west–east across the survey area showing exchangeable Ca in the O-horizon of podzol soils in 1995 (Kola Ecogeochemistry Project) and from 2000 to 2001 (Barents Ecogeochemistry Project) |
Cumulative distribution functions (CDF, %) of pH (water extraction)Cumulative distribution functions (CDF, %) of pH (water extraction), exchangeable Ca, Mg, K, and Al concentrations and the exchangeable Al:(Ca+Mg+K+Na) ratio in the O-horizon in the ‘no visual damage’ [..] |
Transect south–north across the survey area near the western boundary in 1995Transect south–north across the survey area near the western boundary in 1995 (C–D on Figure 5.2), showing: (a) pH in a water extract of the O-horizon; (b) ammonium acetate extractable (pH 4.5) base [..] |
Visible (acute) SO2 injuries on (a) birch leaves and (b) Scots pine needles at SvanvikVisible (acute) SO2 injuries on (a) birch (Betula pubescens) leaves and (b) Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) needles at Svanvik, Norway, approximately 10 km northwest of Nikel |
Location of the catchments included in the Barents ProjectLocation of the catchments included in the Barents Project |
Estimated exceedance of critical loads of acidity for soils for three emission/deposition scenariosEstimated exceedance of critical loads of acidity for soils for three emission/deposition scenarios: 1990 emissions, the CLE scenario for 2010 (CLE, 2010), and the MFR scenario for 2020 (MFR, 2020). |
Median values for a selection of key chemical variablesMedian values for a selection of key chemical variables including the calculated critical load of acidity CLAc and exceedance |
Trends in non-marine sulfate, non-marine base cations, alkalinity, acid neutralizing capacity, pH, and labile aluminumTrends in non-marine sulfate, non-marine base cations, alkalinity, acid neutralizing capacity, pH, and labile aluminum for lakes in the three sub-regions |
Estimated exceedance of critical loads of acidity for surface waters in northern Europe for three scenariosEstimated exceedance of critical loads of acidity for surface waters in northern Europe for three scenarios: 1990 emissions, Current Legislation for 2010 (CLE 2010), Maximum technically Feasible [..] |
Presence of the acidsensitive cladoceran Daphnia longiremis in Lake DalvatnPresence of the acidsensitive cladoceran Daphnia longiremis in Lake Dalvatn (Varanger Peninsula, Norway) |
Trends in non-marine sulfate, non-marine base cations, alkalinity, acid neutralizing capacity, and pHTrends in non-marine sulfate, non-marine base cations (Ca+Mg), alkalinity, acid neutralizing capacity, and pH across the Euro-Arctic Barents region for 1990 to 2004. Large circles denote the three [..] |
Trends in non-marine sulfate, alkalinity, non-marine base cations, and pHTrends in non-marine sulfate, alkalinity, non-marine base cations, and pH for lakes on the Kola Peninsula |
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