The work of AMAP is
directed by the AMAP Working Group
(AMAP WG), which includes representatives from the
following members and observers:
- Observing countries: Germany, Netherlands, Poland, United Kingdom;
Observing and cooperating international organizations:
Advisory Committee
on Protection of the Sea (ACOPS), European
Environment Agency (EEA), International Arctic
Science Committee (IASC), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA),
International Council
for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), International Union
for Circumpolar Health (IUCH), Nordic Council
of Parliamentarians (NCP), Northern
Forum, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD/NEA), Oslo and Paris Commissions
(OSPARCOM), United
Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN ECE),
Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), World
Health Organisation (WHO), World
Meteorological Organisation (WMO), World Wide Fund for Nature - Arctic Programme (WWF-AP).
The AMAP Assessment Steering Group (ASG)
coordinates all work associated with the preparation
of the assessment. ASG members include the coordinators
responsible for the preparation of individual parts
of the AMAP assessments. Together with CAFF, AMAP
is jointly responsible for the Arctic Council’s Arctic
Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA), which has its
own Assessment
Steering Committee (ASC).
AMAP is supported by a permanent Secretariat
located in Oslo, Norway. |