“Solid Waste
Management and Pollution Control in sub-Saharan Africa (POL
1)” has three components that reflect the priorities of
participating countries. The first two aim to establish
sustainable solid waste management practices including
reuse or recycling, and to achieve effective solid waste
collection and disposal systems and facilities in targeted
coastal areas. The third component focuses on capacity
building at municipal and community levels, and raising
public awareness for the maintenance and rehabilitation of
solid waste treatment facilities.
“Management of
Municipal Sewage in sub-Saharan Africa through Appropriate
Technologies (POL 2)” aims to put in place a comprehensive
strategy for addressing this priority issue. Project
components address the need for treatment and recycling
facilities/plants, which are either non existent or
inadequately maintained, the need to fully assess the
impacts of untreated waste water discharges in the coastal
zone, and sewage management capacity building and awareness
“Prevention of
Pollution from Shipping Activities and Strengthening of
National and Regional Oil Spill Management Systems in sub –
Saharan Africa (POL-3)” seeks to strengthen overall marine
pollution capabilities on a regional scale, with an
emphasis on oil-spill management. Project objectives
include the restoration and remediation of areas polluted
by oil spillage, the provision of port reception
facilities, and the assessment of used lubricating oils in
the West and Central Africa (WACAF) area as well as
measures for their elimination and for the implementation
of marine pollution conventions. This proposal seeks to
reinforce and support current and ongoing initiatives in
oil spill management in participating countries.