Progress Report 2004
Integrated Capacity Building Programme

The MRC's Integrated Capacity Building Programme (ICB) is
progressing well toward meeting its goal of raising the level
of skill in the region through a systematic and modular training
The ICB Programme was developed to ensure the availability
of sufficient expertise in river basin management, to broaden
the pool of expertise within the region, and to raise the level
of competence among staff of MRC and Line Agencies in the riparian
countries. The programme encompasses a Junior Riparian Professional
(JRP) Programme and its ongoing training of local Lao support
staff, both on-the-job and through external training courses.
The JRP programme provides an opportunity for young professionals
to acquire hands-on experience on international river basin
In 2004:
- Three new JRPs from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Viet Nam joined
the Secretariat, as the third batch in the programme. All
JRPs attended the in-house training programme on MRC Strategic
Planning and Management and the MRC Logical Framework, conducted
in Vientiane in September 2004.
- The JRPs from all three batches also undertook a regional
study tour visiting National Mekong Committees and also different
development projects and institutions. They met with local
people to discuss various topics concerning developmental
aspects at village level.
- The training programme for Lao support staff under the MRC
HQ Relocation staff training project continued. The programme
was implemented at the beginning of 2004 and will last to
June 2005. This programme, which involves approximately 50
support staff members, has been funded by the UNDP and executed
through the Lao National Mekong Committee.
- The recently completed AusAID-funded MRC Murray Darling
Basin Commission (MDBC) Strategic Liaison Programme, boosted
capacity building within both the MRC Secretariat, and the
National Mekong Committees. An advanced hydrological modelling
training course was delivered to support the early stages
of the MRC's Water Utilisation Programme. Participants on
this course now form the core of the MRC Modelling Team.
- The MDBC also delivered a Basin Planning Training Programme
to the MRC to develop the skills and understanding of the
basin development planners of tomorrow. The training took
the form of four modules, including a study tour through the
four member countries. MDBC funds have also been used to promote
and expand the MRC's public participation policy internally
and at national levels.
Improved information and communication services have supported
all MRC programmes throughout the year. The MRC's communications
function continued to promote the work of the MRC and disseminate
information about its programmes and research through its ongoing
production of newsletters and technical and development reports.
It expanded the content of the website, engaged in regular liaison
with the media, programme partners and stakeholders and met
corporate information needs for visual displays and event management.
In 2005 the Integrated Capacity Building Programme will launch
a new Gender Mainstreaming Project.